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  • Trends, Video Games, Mobile Game Industry
Trends, Video Games, Mobile Game Industry

Top 4 Trends In The Videogame World Right Now

4 minutes
Isen Santos
December 11, 2024

The video game sector has been consolidating in society the last decades. The industry is booming, because its dynamism and constant development to create and enhance new user experiences. In Spain, it’s estimated that it’ll generate 1.7billion euros in 2023.

Spain is within the TOP 10 worldwide in video game consumption, ranking in ninth place. This implies an increase of job creations for programmers, artists and designers, the key profiles in the video game industry. It’s expected that 8,500 new direct jobs will be offered over the next two years. In general, due the growth of the sector, new needs and trends have been created in the industry.

Following on, Starshot Games briefly mentions the most popular trends in the world of video games right now.

1.    Immersive technologies

The current digital revolution imposes increasingly immersive technologies, which consist of virtual interaction of objects, people and parts of the real world that without these technologies we couldn’t have access. We’re referring to Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR).

Augmented Reality, through the mobile or AR glasses, immerses the game consume in the real world combined with a digital experience. The  best example is Pokémon Go.

Virtual Reality invites the user to an immersive experience in an environment of situations and objects of real appearance, being himself the character of the game. This experience is carried out thanks to Virtual Reality glasses and helmets.

This is without any doubt one of the most significant trends in video games.

2.    Cloud Gaming

The Cloud Gaming is another important digital trend to highlight. This is based on a variety of online games in the cloud where the user can access at any time. The video game industry is waiting for new launches of PC and consoles adapted to this system. It facilitates the experience of the user, who won’t have to wait for the latest versions of the game because it’ll be constantly updated.

Xbox Game Pass is an example of Cloud Gaming, where you can enjoy more than hundred high-quality games with friends and relatives on your console, PC and mobile devices.

3.    Growth of the Mobile Game industry

In the recent years, there has been a noticeable growth in creation of Mobile Games. The reason is that the smartphone is the most widely used medium for the gamers since we carry it with us the whole day. The large capacity and power of smartphones give freedom to users to play at any game at all times, no matter where they are.  

Another aspect to take into account, is that the higher demand games are free, which you can download at no cost. Even so, inside the game you can buy extensions of it to increase the experience as a player.

According to a study carried out by Superdata, the TOP 5 of free games which generated the most income in 2020 are:

- Honor of Kings- $2.45 billion

- Peacekeeper Elite(PUBG China) - $2.32 trillion

- Roblox - $2.29billion

- Free Fire - $2.13trillion

- Pokémon GO - $ 1.92billion

4.    More spectators than players

In modern times, the viewers are increasingly interested in watch live broadcasts of games and championships players via YouTube, Twitch or Facebook Gaming. That is why the number of players is decreasing face to the spectators. It is a fact that the video game industry is starting to develop games also thinking of the viewer, which enjoy more watching the broadcast of the video game than playing.

The TOP 5 video games with the most audience this 2021 in Twich were:

- Grand Theft AutoV

- League of Legends

- Call of Duty

- Minecraft

- Fortnite

Surely many more trends are yet to come and will blow our minds, as technology advances at an astounding pace and the gaming landscape is constantly changing. But for now,we leave you these four that are conquering the world of games.

Do you have a video game idea and do not know how to carry it out? Starshot Games offers the opportunity to create video games for you. We expose different options and you choose the most suitable for your users. Furthermore, we are professionals in immersive technologies as Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.

Starshot Games will help you to find the most appropriate solution adapted to your needs and industry. We enjoy giving our best to create new user experiences!

The first step is easy! Contact us and let’s meet.

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